Monday 12 November 2018


Over the course of our lives, at some point, we get to know about good or bad deeds, the effects of such punyam(good deeds) and paavam (sinful deeds) on us and our generations to come. Most of us, who are conscious of this cycle try to do something in some way to increase the stock of punyam. We might donate, give in charity, feed the hungry etc.

Some of us, who as such struggle to find a balance between personal and professional life, might settle with giving money towards a good act, trying to compensate for the inability to take time out for such noble causes.

I just recently realized, during one of my own random thoughts session, how to know if a particular act of goodness will yield results. Or when is a good act actually considered good, or how much it is valued.

We have heard from elders that cooking on your own and making even one packet of food is much better than donating towards 10packets of food. It struck me at that point- the reason why cooking a small quantity ourselves is better is that when we give that one packet to somebody who is needy, that person will look at us and acknowledge the effort that we've put. For him/her we are somebody who is God-sent, a messenger, to answer their prayers. When, in such a state of gratitude, he thanks us, the effort that we have put in scores a centum.

Even in temples, when there are activities which are paid for, like annadaanam, or puja activities, the temple authorities acknowledge the families who have contributed for. In weddings, when elders or family members give gifts, the purohit makes an announcement declaring their names and the gifts in public. I used to think why publicize acts of goodness, wouldn't that be like boasting? But now I realized these are all done to acknowledge the good intention of the givers. When the receivers acknowledge the contribution of the givers, the givers receive full credit for their act.

One other thing I realized was that if and when we don't acknowledge and remain silent when it is due, that is sinful by itself. We are blocking the way for one person in receiving his genuine due of credit.

So being genuinely appreciative is a skill all of us should develop, not only to sound nice, but to avoid having a hole in the bag which is designated to collect the punyam for ourselves and our family.

Not only that, by doing so we will turn into a person who people will like being around with, and a person who genuinely people will appreciate!

The more smiles we pass, the more smiles we get!!!

PS: If you are still not going to be able to physically involve yourself in something but can only give money towards noble causes, please continue, for something is always better than nothing! 

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