Tuesday 13 July 2021

My Social Butterfly!

 My Social Butterfly!!!

"Live in the present", "Enjoy the present- for it is the Gift of God"

Life seems to be running quick, the days are a blur! I am trying to keep calm as my eldest is turning 6!!! She is officially moving out from the Kindergarten phase! And the personality she already has makes me go O.M.G!!! I hope and pray she preserves her character and only gets better with age 🙏

Obviously I'm looking back at the last six years! I still vividly remember the whole pregnancy journey, the day she was born, the first few months of being a new mama bear (started off rough, but I eventually found my balance). My darling daughter filled me up in ways I could never have imagined! She has been my rock, my best friend, my crazy partner ever since 💕!!

This June, my missy graduated!! Of course from Kindergarten, but still, she did so great that I was virtually in tears (virtual school = virtual tears, get it?) when the online graduation was happening!

First day in School

She started off her Junior Kindergarten (JK) in September 2019. The start was all great! Girl was mighty prepared, she is a pro in socializing, loves meeting new folks. So the school transition was a breeze. She was enjoying the new place, new class, new friends, new toys/activities, new routine. Probably because she liked meeting new people, God blessed her with so many new teachers every few months! The designated teacher for her class was on personal leave for a significant part of the year so there were way too many temporary teachers throughout the year. Thankfully, she took it well, wasn't really bothered by that. The year was moving along well, but then this nasty COVID came from nowhere! Shut were the doors to the school, virtual drama began! This was tough. All of a sudden her energy had no outlet! We were working the whole day and she was on her own! Like in every household, the stress of having to provide an outlet to the child, but having no means to do so, trying to find a balance between childcare, work, household, mental sanity for all, was beyond us!!! I would have liked for her to have had at least one proper, smooth school year! 

First day in SK, in the new school amid COVID

For the Senior Kindergarten, missy had a new school!! (Ha - Life happens, things change!) Again, new friends, new teachers (thankfully the same throughout the school year), and the same COVID! For her benefit, we chose to have her attend in-person school instead of virtual. That way, she at least got to be with her new folks for half of the school year! I should probably mention here that she got her baby sister this year, so that has been a whole new experience for her!

Despite all such bumps or changes throughout the first two years of her schooling, my darling thrived! During her Kindergarten Graduation, she was given the "Expert Reader" Certificate! Her teachers mentioned that she reads beyond Kindergarten age! She has indeed finished reading one full Geronimo Stilton book which is a 100+pages book at age 5! 

I looked at my daughter's Graduation picture and was immediately reminded of my dad! He did not have the privilege of completing his education in his childhood so in his perspective providing education to us was his prime duty. So when my brother and I graduated, my father was ecstatic! He felt satisfaction, completion, and a level of achievement through our graduation! When my daughter graduated from Kindergarten, I could feel him as a parent. This is literally the first step, I know! But despite the crazy two years and all the emotions, my daughter did well! When life is going to be as unpredictable as it always is, I know my daughter will do well!!! 

I've got this!


  1. Very well written Shubs. 👌👏 Congratulations to Shivani. God bless ❣️

  2. Loved reading this, great job, Shuba!!! Congrats to dear Sivani, she's a star!! :)


My Social Butterfly!

 My Social Butterfly!!! "Live in the present", "Enjoy the present- for it is the Gift of God" Life seems to be running q...