Monday 24 May 2021

Triangle watermelons

Summer is almost here! We are starting to feel the heat and the dehydration in our bodies, so dearest hubby has been buying the family favourite watermelons, which, being high in water content is so refreshing!

The latest watermelon he bought was from a wholesale store where everything has to be bought in bulk quantity, so naturally, the watermelon had to live up to the reputation- this one was massive!

We usually cut the fruit into square pieces and refrigerate them, so that it is easy to pick a few pieces when we have to consume them. But this time, we ran out of space in the refrigerator (we had already stored 3 big boxes, and we still had 40% of the watermelon left to be cut). So we decided that we'll cut triangular pieces and just eat them. 

The triangular watermelons that were thus cut reminded me of a childhood memory, a rather embarrassing one!

Once we visited our relatives' place in Vijayawada. This family was comparatively a large family and so when the adults got to discussing the serious stuff, they ushered us all inside a room to watch something on the TV. I don't remember why, but the lights were all switched off for the show. The snack that all of us received was a triangular piece of watermelon. Till then, though I tasted and liked most fruits, we never had them on a regular basis. And when we had watermelons, my mom used to give me the square pieces. So this triangular version was new to me. Coming back to the show, it was very dark inside the room, and the fruit was so juicy and sweet, I didn't want the juice to fall on me, so wanted to finish eating quickly. Then after a few minutes, when the show was done, my eldest cousin pulled back the curtains, switched on the lights, and brought a plastic cover to each one of us. I did not understand what she was up to with the plastic cover, till she reached me and I looked into it. She was passing the bag to collect the watermelon skin from all, and I had none left with me. I had eaten it ALL up! Though the juiciness and sweetness reduced more as I ate into the skin, I remember thinking to myself "I should not waste food", and literally ate it all up!

The way my cousin looked at me, she would've probably thought that she would find the skin hidden somewhere in that room at a later point after I left! I don't remember anything else that happened that day because I was completely embarrassed by this incident! 

As I recollected and shared this story with my daughter, she had a hearty laugh whilst enjoying the yummy triangles! In no time, we collected quite a number of watermelon skin pieces;) !!!


  1. Replies
    1. Do you remember this 😀? Thank you for visiting my page!

  2. Super Shubha. Nice memories. 😀

  3. Haa have passed on your childhood memories to your daughter and she may to the next gen...Passing on the secret!

    Here too we cut triangular since it is easy to bite.

    Enjoyed reading subha! keep writing!



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