Friday 28 December 2018


How loud are we?!

To answer this question, maybe we should take a different angle to it- "when are we loud?"

In the most basic example, we raise our voices when we are angry. We don't shout out loud during intimate moments or when we have meaningful discussions... We might fight with friends or family, but when we emote how much they mean to us, we don't raise our voices... Imagine if the person came by your side, held your hands, looked in your eyes and shouted "you mean the world to me, even more"! How weird would that be?!

No, we are not loud when we speak from our hearts... We are not loud when we genuinely show compassion to a person... We are not loud in our intimate moments... We are never loud when we feel the love flow through us...

Just like how the proverb goes "Empty vessels make most noise", in the absence of love within, maybe a person becomes more loud? Maybe the word LOUD was derived as a by product of not being LOVED? Maybe by being loud, they are trying to find more attention and place themselves in a position to receive more love? 

When the world around us is so noisy, is it because nobody is getting the necessary dosage of love? Not physical in any way, but the pure love from friends, a partner, parents and community? 

Is this the crux of every spiritual message? 
Maybe, if there was overflowing love for every being, the world and our minds will be less noisy!

Next time, if and when we encounter a loud person, let us think whether that person is loved enough!


Thursday 27 December 2018

If there was Magic!

If only there was Magic,

- I would be the perfect size
- I would say only the right things, all the time, to win hearts and arguments
- I would live in a bungalow
- I would have assistants for cooking, cleaning, driving etc
- I would have live music performing round the clock
- I would probably freeze time, a lot of times
- I would go around the world whenever I liked, how many ever times I wanted without an expense
- I would probably have my kids grow up in a jiffy, without having to go through any hassle

What not!

But wait, read again...

- if I was the perfect size, then I'll get my dresses in the first shopping attempt I make.  I'll lose out on exploring multiple shops, "searching" for the right dress!
- if I said the right things always and simply win arguments,  I won't get to know different views of different people, I'll never grow from who I am! Also, isn't getting back together after arguments the best part of relationships?!
- (I might just end up living in a bungalow, with or without magic, so let's for now skip this point)
- if I had assistants for every small thing, I'm just going to get bored and lazy!
- if I always had some entertainment in the outside, there's going to be no time for introspection and inner growth
- if I froze time, I'm probably going to be stuck in this life forever....!
- if my kids grew up in a jiffy, despite the hassle, I'm going to be like "where did all my good days go?"!

Life is magic in itself... All the imperfections and incompleteness will make sense when we look at it from a broader perspective... The faults that we find today will make complete sense in a different situation... So let's not complain, let's not crib... Let's work through the imperfections with a level head , capture and experience the beautiful magic Life offers every moment!!!

My Social Butterfly!

 My Social Butterfly!!! "Live in the present", "Enjoy the present- for it is the Gift of God" Life seems to be running q...