Wednesday 30 October 2019

Random thoughts:The other side of the empty glass

Why the glass should always be half full instead of half empty...

I was 8 years old when I relocated with the rest of my family to Chennai, leaving my father to work abroad. The only feeling I had was that my dad was living separate from us and I was missing him... Whenever we met people, distant relatives or friends, they always used to ask, "Do you like Chennai or did you like Muscat better? "

Not only then, till date I don't know the answer to that! All that I felt in my heart was that I missed my dad! I didn't have any opinion for anything at that age..! Of course eventually I figured an answer to give to people readily if and when somebody threw that question out at me... but it was just some answer that I had to tell to navigate myself through that question...

After many many years, my little family (husband, daughter and I) decided to move to Toronto from Chennai... It has been a little more than two years since we came here... But again, I'm required to answer the same question, with the only change of the locations  involved... Well, now I really cannot think to myself "I'm just little, why do everyone keep asking me this question" because I am an adult and my mind was an active part of this decision to move here as a family... But I still cannot find an answer when I'm faced with this question...

Each place has its own pros and cons... when I was in Chennai,  I was so used to it... I grew up there... My personality developed there... It was my home! My friends, relatives everybody and everything was there.... it still is... obviously my heart reaches out to anything involved with the place... 

Here, do I like this place? Well, it's not bad if you know how to layer up during winters.. Am I comfortable? Maybe yes, maybe not... Any complaints at all? Well, I miss home!  I miss the family.... I miss my group... Hmmm, can anything be done about it? Well, God willing, maybe in due course...

So again, I don't find myself with a concrete answer... In recent days, the fact that I never have a concrete answer started bothering me... I am a kind of person with very less wants... I go with the flow... And I very recently realized, how that would really shock someone who have things planned, I would probably be classified as an aimless person with no ambition in life... (I know what my priorities are, for the record)... But I simultaneously realized that because of this nature of mine, because I'm less picky and I don't have the need to have choices I am more adaptable... I can fit in whichever place I choose... God, made me to be born in a desert, relocated my path to a tropical country, and now I'm in one of the coldest countries... Extreme Hot to Extreme Cold!! All within just three decades ... And I'm doing alright.... I don't have to be great all the time to live/enjoy my life.... I have whatever I need to survive without any complaints... Isnt that enough? 

No complaints =Being happy

I realized the real meaning of the saying "Happiness is a state of mind"... 

Living without any complaints! How big is that? No reason to worry! Let that sink in..!!!

Instead of counting the blessings and identifying the goodness in the moments of our daily lives,  we have gotten into the habit of picking the tiniest thing that went wrong and keep complaining about it till we get the next teeniest to latch on... how crazy or disgusting is that? 

One of my colleagues used to say "If you're still alive, that means the problem wasn't big"! How true is that?!

Happiness is truly a state of mind... We dont have to feed our mind with problems and worry... If we let go,  trust me it feels good! So, I CHOOSE to be happy! This is what I want for myself! SO BE IT!!!

My Social Butterfly!

 My Social Butterfly!!! "Live in the present", "Enjoy the present- for it is the Gift of God" Life seems to be running q...