Monday 15 January 2018

The First Post

I have always been a talk-it-out kind of person. But when there is an ocean of thoughts running in the mind, so much to hinder your physical ability to finish tasks, and there is none of your trusted listeners beside you, that's when L.I.F.E is happening... And, that's when we have to create an outlet... So here I am, writing my first blog post, something I never thought possible, not with an excellent writer at home at least. Credits to my mom, who is The Blogger at home, astounding people around her with her beautiful takes on various topics, which she flaunts so easily with her style. I am starting to blog with as much of skepticism as a critic, but with equal spirit to plunge the depth and try my hands at my writing skills. God bless me, and God bless those following me!! 


  1. Good! Great start๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘ Keep blogging. One small suggestion. Why don't you think about another name because normally the word Shubam denotes The end but you starting. Why not be The first post? All the best!๐Ÿ‘

    1. Well, the end of something is always a new beginning in an other sense, isn't it? This is a new beginning... Shubham :)

    2. Very good. Keep it up..
      All the best wishes.


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