Wednesday 18 December 2019

Animated movies

Animated movies have been one of my favourite kind of movies for a very long time! I have to accept I have not watched every single movie out there... I might have watched a very small percentage... but the ones that became my favourites have been stories with some kind of faith or philosophy throughout the movie.

These movies in my perspective imbibes the essence or the way of life within the story.. In a span of an average of 90 minutes, there's a good part, a problem part, a realization part, and a making things right again part in the story. Though the formula repeats for all successful movies, I like the formula in particular because that is, in essence, the success formula for life too! In every phase of life, be it life of a plant or a creature or humans or aliens, there are going to be hiccups or difficulties. Because it is  a work in progress... life happens every moment.  It is not perfect, it doesn't even have to be perfect.  It is just the way it is. The solution for glitches is not to abstain from going forward and living life, not to hide behind false ego, not to create a safe zone to stay where you are... the idea is to move forward... forward maybe things you enjoy, or maybe not.  We need to keep going forward. If the current experience is bad, the next maybe something we relish... come what may, moving forward with the same state of readiness is what is important.  

Some of the thoughts that keep me going and rooted to reality, that have come in animated movies are:

1) Quotes from The Lion King- the whole movie is a treasure box of inspirational quotes... the few ones that stick to me-

2) Kung fu Panda- Oogway,the ultimate Guru

3) Moana-

4) Trolls- Happiness overload

5) Brave

6) Tangled

7) Finding Nemo

Watching animated movies fills me with hope when I'm going through a tough phase. It reinstates the lost faith, throws a ray of sunshine, makes me look forward to the bright side when it comes, teaches me time and again that it is ok to hit dead ends or cross roads... it is ok to try and fail... but important to not stop at that failure but push forward to reach the better side...

Inspiration comes from anywhere, no matter what inspires us, we just need to be open and receptive to use it for our betterment.

#Good Vibes

1 comment:

My Social Butterfly!

 My Social Butterfly!!! "Live in the present", "Enjoy the present- for it is the Gift of God" Life seems to be running q...