Thursday 26 April 2018


Having things LITTLE:

When small waves hit the shore on a regular basis, it just comes and goes. We enjoy the waves when it comes. It brings a few objects from the sea and deposits on the shore, likewise, collects a few objects from the shore to take back into the sea... Nature sets an equilibrium by giving some and taking some. On the contrary, when a tsunami is gonna strike, the water first caves deep inside from the shoreline and then a major wave, only one wave, hits the land... When this one wave hits us, it wipes out whatever it comes in contact with. This, we do not enjoy. We call it a destruction, a massive one.

Similarly, when we have small "waves" of everything, be it emotions or possessions or even money, it is OK!!! That's a blessing in itself. Why keep asking for more and more? When more is given, more has to be taken... Nature HAS to maintain equilibrium... Little is always better. Little is safer. Little is pleasant. Having little lets us relish what we have to the fullest. Things are valued much better when it is less. Closer to the equilibrium, is the best spot to relish life!!

Having LITTLE things:

Looking at the clouds, finding the shapes with your child
Counting the stars, even when you know you'll never finish counting them all
Smiling at people, to pass on love
Dancing silly to music
Sharing hugs
Telling loved ones that they are loved and cared for
Appreciating efforts
Praying for the well-being of all beings
Being grateful for the blessings we already have
Little things are actually the bigger things in life!!!


  1. Things are valued much better when it is less.//


    my son and i always talk that life should be very very simple and should never make it complicated.

    Nice write up. The quote from your write up here is apt for your post too and of course for banukka too!!! Haa haa ha haa...

    Loved your "having little things" . I ditto it!!!

    Nice and all the best!


    (i am signing from our blogger id. the one in the photo is my friend thulasi with whom i am writing in our blog.)

    1. Yes, it's great to know that you feel the same way about simplicity in life! Thank you for sharing this!


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