Wednesday 6 June 2018

Random thoughts...!


When we enroll our children in playschool or daycare, the whole idea of doing so is to engage our children in an environment, which develops their skills and personality. The kids are involved in various fun activities, along with peers, which makes them more social, a system is kept in place, which brings in a sense of discipline at a very young age. A proper setup of daycare would have a gamut of educational toys, puzzles, books, daily outdoor activity, arts, crafts and maybe more. So once a kid enters the area, he/she is engaged. The kid can choose what he/she wants to play with, or maybe just dress-up, pretend play, chat, sing or dance with the friends there! It is entirely up to the kid to make the day...

In God's world, let us assume, one day in His world equals one life for us.

MAYBE, in God's world, one life of ours is actually one day spent in daycare! The whole idea being, when our parent Mr.God, drops us at the daycare, we are born... Our time spent in childhood, teenage is probably equivalent to removing the shoes, jacket that we wore to reach the daycare and gearing ourselves for the entire day's activities in God's clock. By performing every new activity at the daycare called LIFE, we gain experience... We learn, develop new skills... We make friends, we share... We are basically left to HAVE FUN... There are caregivers, our spiritual Gurus, to guide us and look over us... However needy and cranky we get, things will be given to us only when the time comes, there is a routine involved. No crankiness is actually encouraged, "Be patient, wait, you will get when you have to get it" is what is advised. The material possessions (toys), our family and friends are not ours forever, we can just make use of it when we are here. At the end of the day, we might not have played with every single toy, but we would definitely have learned something new, which could be put to use later (vaasanaas).  We can leave the daycare only when our parent or an authorized person comes for us. And no toy or friend can accompany us back home, it all stays at the daycare, it is not ours, including favourites. 

In this design, if we accomplish a task or win a game, it is great! If we fall, it is still great, for we get to play it again and try our success! There is actually no case of failing, it is just "a bad day", and everyone will have it one day or the other!!! So, ideally, there is neither a place for worry or depression or anxiety and other such factors to creep in nor is there a reason for the negativity!! After all, when a child is dropped off in a place, don't the parents take enough precaution, check safety and security features?! The parent makes enough checks to make sure the kid is going to thrive!!!! Likewise, God has dropped us off here for us to learn, develop our skills, put our learnings into practice and thrive, and to finally let go! 

Maybe this one day in God's clock is one cycle of birth for us... Hmmmm...


Just Random Thoughts !!!

1 comment:

My Social Butterfly!

 My Social Butterfly!!! "Live in the present", "Enjoy the present- for it is the Gift of God" Life seems to be running q...